Eastern European Time (EET) is a time zone used in eastern Europe, including Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Romania, and Ukraine. EET is two hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and is abbreviated as UTC+02:00.
During Daylight Saving Time (DST), the clock is turned ahead by one hour in the spring and turned back by one hour in the fall. This means that during DST, Eastern European Time becomes UTC+03:00.
Eastern European Time is used by the countries of Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Romania, and Ukraine, which are located in eastern Europe. These countries are known for their rich cultural heritage, diverse landscapes, and vibrant cities.
There are no other countries that use Eastern European Time. However, the time zone is close to the time zones used in other parts of Europe, such as Western European Time (WET) and Central European Time (CET). It is also close to the time zone used in the Middle East, which is the Arabia Standard Time (AST).
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