Fernando de Noronha Time (FNT) is a time zone that is used on the Brazilian island of Fernando de Noronha, which is located approximately 354 kilometers (220 miles) off the northeast coast of Brazil. FNT is two hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and is abbreviated as UTC+02:00.
Fernando de Noronha Time is used by the island of Fernando de Noronha, a protected area known for its pristine beaches, clear waters, and diverse marine life. The island has a small population of around 3,000 people and is a popular destination for tourists who are interested in diving, snorkeling, and other water sports.
Fernando de Noronha Time is not used by any other countries. The time zone that is used in the rest of Brazil is Brasília Time (BRT), which is based on the longitude of the capital city of Brasília. BRT is three hours ahead of UTC and is abbreviated as UTC+03:00.
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