The index of time zones is a list of time zones sorted alphabetically by region. Each time zone is represented by an abbreviation, such as EST for Eastern Standard Time or GMT for Greenwich Mean Time. Time zone abbreviations are typically three letters long and represent the common abbreviation for each time zone. Some examples include:
- EST: Eastern Standard Time (UTC-05:00)
- GMT: Greenwich Mean Time (UTC+00:00)
- CET: Central European Time (UTC+01:00)
- JST: Japan Standard Time (UTC+09:00)
There are 40 distinct time zones in the world, not including Daylight Saving Time (DST) adjustments. Many countries observe DST, which temporarily shifts the standard time in a region by one hour during certain parts of the year. This is done to make better use of sunlight during the longer days of summer.
Time Zone Map
The time zone map is a map that shows the various time zones around the world. Each time zone is represented by a different color on the map, and the time in each zone is displayed in the center of the zone. The time zone map can be useful for understanding the time differences between different parts of the world and for planning international communication and travel.
The time zone map is divided into 24 time zones, each of which is 15 degrees wide. The time zones are centered on the Prime Meridian, which is 0 degrees longitude, and the International Date Line, which is 180 degrees longitude. Time zones to the west of the Prime Meridian are ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), while time zones to the east are behind UTC.
Time zone boundaries can be somewhat arbitrary, as they are often based on political and economic considerations rather than purely geographic ones. As a result, some time zones may be quite large, while others may be quite small. Despite these variations, the time zone map provides a useful representation of the global time system.

A Quick Guide To World Time zones
World timezones are actually a relatively new part of the way that the civilized world works. World timezones were created in order to create a certain amount of uniformity in how people describe their time of day in different parts of the world. Using local or solar time makes it nearly impossible for modern society to work. If we didn’t have world timezones, scheduling trains would be nearly impossible, planning meetings in different countries would quickly prove problematic, and similar issues would arise daily.
Daylight doesn’t hit the world uniformly, which means that if there was a single standard time worldwide, you would have a completely different impression of what 10:00 AM would look like. Though this does not sound like a major problem, it does make many things difficult to describe, such as the time of day. In the times before world timezones, people would often find it nearly impossible to schedule meetings at a long distance due to the difficulty in coming to an agreement on what time it was. World timezones are made with legal, social, and commercial purposes in mind.
Initially, there was only one real way to distinguish different world time zones. However, there are now multiple ways to discern time using a world clock. Still, the most common way to deal with the world clock is to use the Greenwich Mean Time, also known as GMT, as a measuring stick. Standard world timezones are made with an offset of hours referring to GMT. So, New Zealand’s time is often quoted as being 11 hours and 30 minutes ahead of Greenwich Mean Time.
Advancements in the measuring of time allowed scientists to come up with a system that allows them to consider the seconds lost each year. This doesn’t sound like much, but seconds do add up to minutes eventually. The newer form of time-telling using world timezones is called UTC and is based off of GMT time-telling.
Normally, one would simply believe that GMT and UTC time zones are enough. But still, there are even more ways of differentiating time zones for those who are curious.
Many countries have chosen to use their own standard time zones, and so have many different groups of people. Military personnel often use military time zones to plan their maneuvers. Nautical time zones, which are non-skewed, are very common among people who frequently travel by boat. When it comes to different countries and continents, other common ways of dividing time zones include CET (Central European Time), and New Zealand Mean Time.
There is still a lot of bickering about which timezones are actually the best ones to use universally. There really isn’t a universally accepted time zone scheme, and things are even more complicated when Daylight Savings Time is taken into consideration. Many, if not most, countries no longer practice Daylight Savings Time. The issue of Daylight Savings Time, or DST, has been one that has caused a certain amount of friction in international airports, as well as a lot of confusion abroad.
Travelers looking to find a reliable way to tell time abroad are best off using world timezones used by both military and naval personalities. They are often the most accurate ways to tell time. Of course, for those who are scheduling meetings and figuring out when they will be able to catch a plane, it’s best to search up the current world timezones your destination location happens to be using. After all, it’s always better to be safe than sorry.
Index of Time zones
Alphabetically sorted. Note that some of the abbreviations are not unique; these will have several entries in the list. Other time zones have many common names, and each of these will be listed as well.
Abbreviation | Full name | Location | Timezone |
A | Alpha Time Zone | Military | UTC + 1 hour |
ACDT | Australian Central Daylight Time | Australia | UTC + 10:30 hours |
ACST | Australian Central Standard Time | Australia | UTC + 9:30 hours |
ADT | Atlantic Daylight Time | Atlantic | UTC – 3 hours |
ADT | Atlantic Daylight Time | North America | UTC – 3 hours |
AEDT | Australian Eastern Daylight Time | Australia | UTC + 11 hours |
AEST | Australian Eastern Standard Time | Australia | UTC + 10 hours |
AFT | Afghanistan Time | Asia | UTC + 4:30 hours |
AKDT | Alaska Daylight Time | North America | UTC – 8 hours |
AKST | Alaska Standard Time | North America | UTC – 9 hours |
ALMT | Alma-Ata Time | Asia | UTC + 6 hours |
AMST | Armenia Summer Time | Asia | UTC + 5 hours |
AMST | Amazon Summer Time | South America | UTC – 3 hours |
AMT | Armenia Time | Asia | UTC + 4 hours |
AMT | Amazon Time | South America | UTC – 4 hours |
ANAST | Anadyr Summer Time | Asia | UTC + 12 hours |
ANAT | Anadyr Time | Asia | UTC + 12 hours |
AQTT | Aqtobe Time | Asia | UTC + 5 hours |
ART | Argentina Time | South America | UTC – 3 hours |
AST | Arabia Standard Time | Asia | UTC + 3 hours |
AST | Atlantic Standard Time | Atlantic | UTC – 4 hours |
AST | Atlantic Standard Time | Caribbean | UTC – 4 hours |
AST | Atlantic Standard Time | North America | UTC – 4 hours |
AWDT | Australian Western Daylight Time | Australia | UTC + 9 hours |
AWST | Australian Western Standard Time | Australia | UTC + 8 hours |
AZOST | Azores Summer Time | Atlantic | UTC |
AZOT | Azores Time | Atlantic | UTC – 1 hour |
AZST | Azerbaijan Summer Time | Asia | UTC + 5 hours |
AZT | Azerbaijan Time | Asia | UTC + 4 hours |
B | Bravo Time Zone | Military | UTC + 2 hours |
BNT | Brunei Darussalam Time | Asia | UTC + 8 hours |
BOT | Bolivia Time | South America | UTC – 4 hours |
BRST | Brasilia Summer Time | South America | UTC – 2 hours |
BRT | Brasília time | South America | UTC – 3 hours |
BST | Bangladesh Standard Time | Asia | UTC + 6 hours |
BST | British Summer Time | Europe | UTC + 1 hour |
BTT | Bhutan Time | Asia | UTC + 6 hours |
C | Charlie Time Zone | Military | UTC + 3 hours |
CAST | Casey Time | Antarctica | UTC + 8 hours |
CAT | Central Africa Time | Africa | UTC + 2 hours |
CCT | Cocos Islands Time | Indian Ocean | UTC + 6:30 hours |
CDT | Cuba Daylight Time | Caribbean | UTC – 4 hours |
CDT | Central Daylight Time | North America | UTC – 5 hours |
CEST | Central European Summer Time | Europe | UTC + 2 hours |
CET | Central European Time | Africa | UTC + 1 hour |
CET | Central European Time | Europe | UTC + 1 hour |
CHADT | Chatham Island Daylight Time | Pacific | UTC + 13:45 hours |
CHAST | Chatham Island Standard Time | Pacific | UTC + 12:45 hours |
CKT | Cook Island Time | Pacific | UTC – 10 hours |
CLST | Chile Summer Time | South America | UTC – 3 hours |
CLT | Chile Standard Time | South America | UTC – 4 hours |
COT | Colombia Time | South America | UTC – 5 hours |
CST | China Standard Time | Asia | UTC + 8 hours |
CST | Central Standard Time | Central America | UTC – 6 hours |
CST | Cuba Standard Time | Caribbean | UTC – 5 hours |
CST | Central Standard Time | North America | UTC – 6 hours |
CVT | Cape Verde Time | Africa | UTC – 1 hour |
CXT | Christmas Island Time | Australia | UTC + 7 hours |
ChST | Chamorro Standard Time | Pacific | UTC + 10 hours |
D | Delta Time Zone | Military | UTC + 4 hours |
DAVT | Davis Time | Antarctica | UTC + 7 hours |
E | Echo Time Zone | Military | UTC + 5 hours |
EASST | Easter Island Summer Time | Pacific | UTC – 5 hours |
EAST | Easter Island Standard Time | Pacific | UTC – 6 hours |
EAT | Eastern Africa Time | Africa | UTC + 3 hours |
EAT | East Africa Time | Indian Ocean | UTC + 3 hours |
ECT | Ecuador Time | South America | UTC – 5 hours |
EDT | Eastern Daylight Time | Caribbean | UTC – 4 hours |
EDT | Eastern Daylight Time | North America | UTC – 4 hours |
EDT | Eastern Daylight Time | Pacific | UTC + 11 hours |
EEST | Eastern European Summer Time | Africa | UTC + 3 hours |
EEST | Eastern European Summer Time | Asia | UTC + 3 hours |
EEST | Eastern European Summer Time | Europe | UTC + 3 hours |
EET | Eastern European Time | Africa | UTC + 2 hours |
EET | Eastern European Time | Asia | UTC + 2 hours |
EET | Eastern European Time | Europe | UTC + 2 hours |
EGST | Eastern Greenland Summer Time | North America | UTC |
EGT | East Greenland Time | North America | UTC – 1 hour |
EST | Eastern Standard Time | Central America | UTC – 5 hours |
EST | Eastern Standard Time | Caribbean | UTC – 5 hours |
EST | Eastern Standard Time | North America | UTC – 5 hours |
ET | Tiempo del Este | Central America | UTC – 5 hours |
ET | Tiempo del Este | Caribbean | UTC – 5 hours |
ET | Tiempo Del Este | North America | UTC – 5 hours |
F | Foxtrot Time Zone | Military | UTC + 6 hours |
FJST | Fiji Summer Time | Pacific | UTC + 13 hours |
FJT | Fiji Time | Pacific | UTC + 12 hours |
FKST | Falkland Islands Summer Time | South America | UTC – 3 hours |
FKT | Falkland Island Time | South America | UTC – 4 hours |
FNT | Fernando de Noronha Time | South America | UTC – 2 hours |
G | Golf Time Zone | Military | UTC + 7 hours |
GALT | Galapagos Time | Pacific | UTC – 6 hours |
GAMT | Gambier Time | Pacific | UTC – 9 hours |
GET | Georgia Standard Time | Asia | UTC + 4 hours |
GFT | French Guiana Time | South America | UTC – 3 hours |
GILT | Gilbert Island Time | Pacific | UTC + 12 hours |
GMT | Greenwich Mean Time | Africa | UTC |
GMT | Greenwich Mean Time | Europe | UTC |
GST | Gulf Standard Time | Asia | UTC + 4 hours |
GYT | Guyana Time | South America | UTC – 4 hours |
H | Hotel Time Zone | Military | UTC + 8 hours |
HAA | Heure Avancée de l’Atlantique | Atlantic | UTC – 3 hours |
HAA | Heure Avancée de l’Atlantique | North America | UTC – 3 hours |
HAC | Heure Avancée du Centre | North America | UTC – 5 hours |
HADT | Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time | North America | UTC – 9 hours |
HAE | Heure Avancée de l’Est | Caribbean | UTC – 4 hours |
HAE | Heure Avancée de l’Est | North America | UTC – 4 hours |
HAP | Heure Avancée du Pacifique | North America | UTC – 7 hours |
HAR | Heure Avancée des Rocheuses | North America | UTC – 6 hours |
HAST | Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time | North America | UTC – 10 hours |
HAT | Heure Avancée de Terre-Neuve | North America | UTC – 2:30 hours |
HAY | Heure Avancée du Yukon | North America | UTC – 8 hours |
HKT | Hong Kong Time | Asia | UTC + 8 hours |
HLV | Hora Legal de Venezuela | South America | UTC – 4:30 hours |
HNA | Heure Normale de l’Atlantique | Atlantic | UTC – 4 hours |
HNA | Heure Normale de l’Atlantique | Caribbean | UTC – 4 hours |
HNA | Heure Normale de l’Atlantique | North America | UTC – 4 hours |
HNC | Heure Normale du Centre | Central America | UTC – 6 hours |
HNC | Heure Normale du Centre | North America | UTC – 6 hours |
HNE | Heure Normale de l’Est | Central America | UTC – 5 hours |
HNE | Heure Normale de l’Est | Caribbean | UTC – 5 hours |
HNE | Heure Normale de l’Est | North America | UTC – 5 hours |
HNP | Heure Normale du Pacifique | North America | UTC – 8 hours |
HNR | Heure Normale des Rocheuses | North America | UTC – 7 hours |
HNT | Heure Normale de Terre-Neuve | North America | UTC – 3:30 hours |
HNY | Heure Normale du Yukon | North America | UTC – 9 hours |
HOVT | Hovd Time | Asia | UTC + 7 hours |
I | India Time Zone | Military | UTC + 9 hours |
ICT | Indochina Time | Asia | UTC + 7 hours |
IDT | Israel Daylight Time | Asia | UTC + 3 hours |
IOT | Indian Chagos Time | Indian Ocean | UTC + 6 hours |
IRDT | Iran Daylight Time | Asia | UTC + 4:30 hours |
IRKST | Irkutsk Summer Time | Asia | UTC + 9 hours |
IRKT | Irkutsk Time | Asia | UTC + 9 hours |
IRST | Iran Standard Time | Asia | UTC + 3:30 hours |
IST | Israel Standard Time | Asia | UTC + 2 hours |
IST | India Standard Time | Asia | UTC + 5:30 hours |
IST | Irish Standard Time | Europe | UTC + 1 hour |
JST | Japan Standard Time | Asia | UTC + 9 hours |
K | Kilo Time Zone | Military | UTC + 10 hours |
KGT | Kyrgyzstan Time | Asia | UTC + 6 hours |
KRAST | Krasnoyarsk Summer Time | Asia | UTC + 8 hours |
KRAT | Krasnoyarsk Time | Asia | UTC + 8 hours |
KST | Korea Standard Time | Asia | UTC + 9 hours |
KUYT | Kuybyshev Time | Europe | UTC + 4 hours |
L | Lima Time Zone | Military | UTC + 11 hours |
LHDT | Lord Howe Daylight Time | Australia | UTC + 11 hours |
LHST | Lord Howe Standard Time | Australia | UTC + 10:30 hours |
LINT | Line Islands Time | Pacific | UTC + 14 hours |
M | Mike Time Zone | Military | UTC + 12 hours |
MAGST | Magadan Summer Time | Asia | UTC + 12 hours |
MAGT | Magadan Time | Asia | UTC + 12 hours |
MART | Marquesas Time | Pacific | UTC – 9:30 hours |
MAWT | Mawson Time | Antarctica | UTC + 5 hours |
MDT | Mountain Daylight Time | North America | UTC – 6 hours |
MESZ | Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit | Europe | UTC + 2 hours |
MEZ | Mitteleuropäische Zeit | Africa | UTC + 1 hour |
MHT | Marshall Islands Time | Pacific | UTC + 12 hours |
MMT | Myanmar Time | Asia | UTC + 6:30 hours |
MSD | Moscow Daylight Time | Europe | UTC + 4 hours |
MSK | Moscow Standard Time | Europe | UTC + 4 hours |
MST | Mountain Standard Time | North America | UTC – 7 hours |
MUT | Mauritius Time | Africa | UTC + 4 hours |
MVT | Maldives Time | Asia | UTC + 5 hours |
MYT | Malaysia Time | Asia | UTC + 8 hours |
N | November Time Zone | Military | UTC – 1 hour |
NCT | New Caledonia Time | Pacific | UTC + 11 hours |
NDT | Newfoundland Daylight Time | North America | UTC – 2:30 hours |
NFT | Norfolk Time | Australia | UTC + 11:30 hours |
NOVST | Novosibirsk Summer Time | Asia | UTC + 7 hours |
NOVT | Novosibirsk Time | Asia | UTC + 6 hours |
NPT | Nepal Time | Asia | UTC + 5:45 hours |
NST | Newfoundland Standard Time | North America | UTC – 3:30 hours |
NUT | Niue Time | Pacific | UTC – 11 hours |
NZDT | New Zealand Daylight Time | Antarctica | UTC + 13 hours |
NZDT | New Zealand Daylight Time | Pacific | UTC + 13 hours |
NZST | New Zealand Standard Time | Antarctica | UTC + 12 hours |
NZST | New Zealand Standard Time | Pacific | UTC + 12 hours |
O | Oscar Time Zone | Military | UTC – 2 hours |
OMSST | Omsk Summer Time | Asia | UTC + 7 hours |
OMST | Omsk Standard Time | Asia | UTC + 7 hours |
P | Papa Time Zone | Military | UTC – 3 hours |
PDT | Pacific Daylight Time | North America | UTC – 7 hours |
PET | Peru Time | South America | UTC – 5 hours |
PETST | Kamchatka Summer Time | Asia | UTC + 12 hours |
PETT | Kamchatka Time | Asia | UTC + 12 hours |
PGT | Papua New Guinea Time | Pacific | UTC + 10 hours |
PHOT | Phoenix Island Time | Pacific | UTC + 13 hours |
PHT | Philippine Time | Asia | UTC + 8 hours |
PKT | Pakistan Standard Time | Asia | UTC + 5 hours |
PMDT | Pierre & Miquelon Daylight Time | North America | UTC – 2 hours |
PMST | Pierre & Miquelon Standard Time | North America | UTC – 3 hours |
PONT | Pohnpei Standard Time | Pacific | UTC + 11 hours |
PST | Pacific Standard Time | North America | UTC – 8 hours |
PST | Pitcairn Standard Time | Pacific | UTC – 8 hours |
PT | Tiempo del Pacífico | North America | UTC – 8 hours |
PWT | Palau Time | Pacific | UTC + 9 hours |
PYST | Paraguay Summer Time | South America | UTC – 3 hours |
PYT | Paraguay Time | South America | UTC – 4 hours |
Q | Quebec Time Zone | Military | UTC – 4 hours |
R | Romeo Time Zone | Military | UTC – 5 hours |
RET | Reunion Time | Africa | UTC + 4 hours |
S | Sierra Time Zone | Military | UTC – 6 hours |
SAMT | Samara Time | Europe | UTC + 4 hours |
SAST | South Africa Standard Time | Africa | UTC + 2 hours |
SBT | Solomon IslandsTime | Pacific | UTC + 11 hours |
SCT | Seychelles Time | Africa | UTC + 4 hours |
SGT | Singapore Time | Asia | UTC + 8 hours |
SRT | Suriname Time | South America | UTC – 3 hours |
SST | Samoa Standard Time | Pacific | UTC – 11 hours |
T | Tango Time Zone | Military | UTC – 7 hours |
TAHT | Tahiti Time | Pacific | UTC – 10 hours |
TFT | French Southern and Antarctic Time | Indian Ocean | UTC + 5 hours |
TJT | Tajikistan Time | Asia | UTC + 5 hours |
TKT | Tokelau Time | Pacific | UTC + 13 hours |
TLT | East Timor Time | Asia | UTC + 9 hours |
TMT | Turkmenistan Time | Asia | UTC + 5 hours |
TVT | Tuvalu Time | Pacific | UTC + 12 hours |
U | Uniform Time Zone | Military | UTC – 8 hours |
ULAT | Ulaanbaatar Time | Asia | UTC + 8 hours |
UTC | Universal Time Coordinated | Universal | UTC |
UYST | Uruguay Summer Time | South America | UTC – 2 hours |
UYT | Uruguay Time | South America | UTC – 3 hours |
UZT | Uzbekistan Time | Asia | UTC + 5 hours |
V | Victor Time Zone | Military | UTC – 9 hours |
VET | Venezuelan Standard Time | South America | UTC – 4:30 hours |
VLAST | Vladivostok Summer Time | Asia | UTC + 11 hours |
VLAT | Vladivostok Time | Asia | UTC + 11 hours |
VUT | Vanuatu Time | Pacific | UTC + 11 hours |
W | Whiskey Time Zone | Military | UTC – 10 hours |
WAST | West Africa Summer Time | Africa | UTC + 2 hours |
WAT | West Africa Time | Africa | UTC + 1 hour |
WEST | Western European Summer Time | Africa | UTC + 1 hour |
WEST | Western European Summer Time | Europe | UTC + 1 hour |
WESZ | Westeuropäische Sommerzeit | Africa | UTC + 1 hour |
WET | Western European Time | Africa | UTC |
WET | Western European Time | Europe | UTC |
WEZ | Westeuropäische Zeit | Europe | UTC |
WFT | Wallis and Futuna Time | Pacific | UTC + 12 hours |
WGST | Western Greenland Summer Time | North America | UTC – 2 hours |
WGT | West Greenland Time | North America | UTC – 3 hours |
WIB | Western Indonesian Time | Asia | UTC + 7 hours |
WIT | Eastern Indonesian Time | Asia | UTC + 9 hours |
WITA | Central Indonesian Time | Asia | UTC + 8 hours |
WST | Western Sahara Summer Time | Africa | UTC + 1 hour |
WST | West Samoa Time | Pacific | UTC + 13 hours |
WT | Western Sahara Standard Time | Africa | UTC |
X | X-ray Time Zone | Military | UTC – 11 hours |
Y | Yankee Time Zone | Military | UTC – 12 hours |
YAKST | Yakutsk Summer Time | Asia | UTC + 10 hours |
YAKT | Yakutsk Time | Asia | UTC + 10 hours |
YAPT | Yap Time | Pacific | UTC + 10 hours |
YEKST | Yekaterinburg Summer Time | Asia | UTC + 6 hours |
YEKT | Yekaterinburg Time | Asia | UTC + 6 hours |
Z | Zulu Time Zone | Military | UTC |
Timezones by regions
- Africa
- Antarctica
- Australia
- Asia
- Atlantic
- Caribbean
- Central America
- Europe
- Indian Ocean
- North America
- Pacific
- South America