Iran Daylight Time (IDT or IRDT) is a time zone that is used in the Islamic Republic of Iran. IDT is three and a half hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and is abbreviated as UTC+03:30.
Iran Daylight Time (IDT) is also sometimes referred to as Iran Daylight Saving Time (IRDT). Both IDT and IRDT refer to the same time zone, which is used in the Islamic Republic of Iran during Daylight Saving Time (DST).
IDT is used during Daylight Saving Time (DST), which is observed in the Islamic Republic of Iran from the last Wednesday in March to the last Wednesday in September. During DST, the clock is turned ahead by one hour, which means that the time in Iran becomes four and a half hours ahead of UTC (UTC+04:30).
IDT is used by the Islamic Republic of Iran, a country in western Asia. Iran is known for its rich cultural history, diverse landscapes, and vibrant cities.
There are no other countries that use Iran’s Daylight Time. The time zones that are used in the surrounding countries are based on the longitude of the capital cities rather than the longitude of Iran. For example, the time zone used in Afghanistan is based on the longitude of Kabul, while the time zone used in Iraq is based on the longitude of Baghdad.
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